This hotel is wonderful with super location on the sea with a private beach, a newly built spa, slightly larger than Hotel Savoia. This is where we will have our One Night Stand Party on Saturday night! If you wish to book your room at this hotel please put this sentence in "La festa del compleanno della Sig.ra Jennie del 02/05" and you will receive a 15% discount on the room you choose.
https://www.dianagrandhotelalassio.itWe always stay at this lovey hotel which I love! It has a wonderful location on the sea with a private beach. Familiar atmosphere, we know the owners and the whole lovely staff! We had our wedding drink on Savoias terrace 18 years ago! If you wish to book room at this hotel please email to and put "Attention Nunzio / Compleanno di Jennie" and you will receive a discount.